These instructions assume a TRF7160 PVR. They may work for other TAP-capable PVRs. Try your luck.


Using an Installer

There are installers available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. The installers are the easiest way to get everything installed and going.

The windows and linux installers come as jar-files that can be run by Java. Download the installer and double-click on the installer to start it. You will then be taken through the usual wizard-like install process.

The OSX installer comes as a disk image. Drag the TMSNet Client application from the disk image to the Applications folder.

Installing Manually

If you can't use an installer, you will need to install TMSNet Client manually.

Get the TMSNet Client -bin download from here Unzip it somewhere sensible.

The contents on the -bin download is only part of what is required, you will then need to add the appropriate SWT library for your PC. SWT is designed to work well with the underlying windowing system of an operating system. As a consequence, there are multiple versions of SWT and the particular one that you want is not part of the TMSNet Client download. You can download SWT from here. Choose the download that matches the operating system and processor of your PC. Unzip the download and copy the swt.jar file into the lib directory of the TMSNet Client download.

Starting TMSNet Client

To start TMSNet Client, choose the TMSNet > TMSNet Client menu entry from the start menu if you are using windows or linux or by starting the TMSNet Client application on a Mac. If you haven't use the installer, you can run either tmsnet.bat (Windows) or (Linux/Mac).

TMSClient will start and show an empty window. To begin with, open the preferences screen via Edit > Preferences... Use the preferences screen to enter the host name or IP address of your PVR and click on OK.

To connect to the PVR, choose File > Connect from the main menu. There will be a flurry of activity as the current list of channels, timers and EPG are downloaded from the PVR.

To view something, choose an appropriate option from the View menu.

From then on, the help pages will guide you.